Its a mix between a narwhale and a doge. 0x6602a7e97fc512d71d812b3a05ddfe0aeeb0d2c6eb5c6e363ae399cfd1ddbc1a::ndoge::NDOGE
How to buy $NDOGE
Create a Suiet wallet
Purchase $SUI on an Exchange
Send $SUI to your wallet
Swap SUI for $NDOGE on Cetus or HopAg
Total Supply: 6,900,000,000 $NDOGE
Circulating Supply: 6,900,000,000 $NDOGE
Liquidity Pool: 95%
Reserve: 5%
DISCLAIMERS: $NDOGE is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is for entertainment purposes only.